Bangorang 5/18/99 3:22 pm Charles Dum There are no mistakes only learning opportunities as we go through life. There are times we'd wish would pass us right on by, but they should happen to everyone, uncluding you and I. You need bad things to happ, "let the shit hit the fan" as the saying would say .... don't be a boy be a man. "Whosoever would be a man must be a non-conformist" Yet those who follow this quite often get pissed on by those conformers in their grey suits, white shirt, who put in their loafers their 2 cents worth. Manipulate the system or it will manipulte you, Contaminate the world before it contaminates you. I'd rather be a statistic than a statisician, for they only look. I'd rather do the reading or the living than the cataloging in life's book.